//window.alert('fake'); //{{{ ShowBigPict() /** * It is only 'lay-on-function', calling out ShowBigImg() function * with first parameter set to './' and the others parameters as given to this * function call out. * Parameters are exactly the same as ShowBigImg() parameters 2-5 * For detailed description look to ShowBigImg() @description-part * @author Dawid Krysiak * @version 1.2.0 * Changes: * 2005.09.22 thu 11:30 (v.1.2.1) changes in comments and code text indents * 2002.11.03 sum. 01:11 (v.1.2.0) parameter names, english description * 2002.08.05 mon. 22:35 (v.1.1.0) */ function ShowBigPict(photo, iwidth, iheight, ititle) { ShowBigImg('./', photo, iwidth, iheight, ititle); } //endfunction ShowBigPict }}} //{{{ ShowBigImg() /** * Opens new window with special matched dimensions, * and image inside with eventually signature under it. More detailed version * of ShowBigPict() (from it's version 1.1.0) * @param string mainDir relative path to main dir (where script displaying html * page with image is located) * @param string photo precise path (may be relative from mainDir directory!!!) to * image-file (with an image-file name) * @param int iwidth width of an image (value may be integer number or empty string: '') * @param int iheight height of an image (value may be integer number or string enabled: '') * @param string ititle image signature (allowed empty string: '') * @author Dawid Krysiak * @version 2.1.1 * {@internal * Changes: * 2007.11.25 sun (v.2.1.1) url-encoding changes (fixes?) * 2005.09.22 thu 11:30 (v.2.1) changes in comments and code text indents * 2002.11.03 sun 02:57 (v.2.0-beta) many bugs fixed, TODO added * 2002.11.03 sun 01:11 (v.2.0) many changes in code, parameter names, some bug * fixes (esp. the one for NN), added some parts for IE compability, * english description * 2002.08.06 sat 00:42 (v.1.1.1) * } * @todo anywhere working url-encoding (?) + tests */ function ShowBigImg(mainDir, photo, iwidth, iheight, ititle) { var show_scrollbars; if (iheight=='' || iwidth=='') { show_scrollbars = 'yes'; } else { width = iwidth + 50; height = iheight + 100; show_scrollbars = 'no'; } if (width >= (screen.width - 50) || height >= (screen.height - 20)) { show_scrollbars = 'yes'; if (width >= (screen.width - 50)) width = screen.width - 50; if (height >= (screen.height - 20)) height = screen.height - 75; } var winatr = ''; if (iwidth!='') winatr += 'width=' + width + ','; if (iheight!='') winatr += 'height=' + height + ','; winatr += 'screenX=10,left=10,screenY=10,top=10,resizable,scrollbars=' + show_scrollbars/** / + ',location'/*=no'/*+',status=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no'*/; //<--don't need to specify features that are turned off. url = mainDir + 'foto.php?f=' + photo; if (iwidth != '') url += '&w=' + iwidth; if (iheight != '') url += '&h=' + iheight; if (ititle != '') { url = url + '&t=' + escape(ititle); } window.open(url, '', winatr); } //endfunction ShowBigImg() }}}